Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life is fragile

A client of mine suddenly passed away on 22nd August of cardio-respiratory failure.

When I was reading the papers in the morning, I was shocked to see him in the orbituary.He is at the peak of his career at age 54. A humble and successful engineer. He has a good family life.

He has been a happy policyholder of Income since 1989.

Life is fragile.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, 27th August got an SMS from another client, her husband was knocked down at a pedestrian crossing yesterday and died.

A university lecturer in his 40's. It is very tragic. What is happening?

This reminds myself of the need to look after the financial security of our clients.

My heart goes to the families in this time of lost.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kidney Dialysis

The day that I dread that it should happen has happened.

I am not capitalising on this incident to sell you insurance.

My own mother has lapsed into need for kidney dialysis and will be discharged from hospital to start her dialysis in dialysis centre from tomorrow.

Many issues cropped up and it is an eye opener for me as I attempt to resolve them in the next few days.

I will probably write to share this experience with you once I have settled her down.

My concern has always been a Shield Plan is important, but it may not be enough but it surely cushion off a big bill and give the patient more peace of mind.

The renal nurse counselled the family that some simply do not have the means and has to be prepared for a painful death.

Sorry, I am not using this to solicit sales, but these 20 years in this industry, this is the second time I come across dialysis.

There are more to it than only insurance.

Life is fragile.