Saturday, June 30, 2012

I did a presentation on 23rd June 2012 at Singapore Cancer Society Forum on importance of insurance in Mandarin.

Two considerations are :


Money is not the ultimate but without money, it is diffuclt. In event of unforseen situation, one can be a burden to family and relatives and friends. How have we plan to cover our life and medical cost ? Dying is not the ultimate but will we leave behind a debt for family that lacked our support when we pass on.
When our loved ones need medical attention, will finance be a problem ?
I have put up many examples of medical bills in this blog for reference. There are so many insurers offering the integrated private medical plans, do not compare until cow come home and still comparing.
Importance of insurance can be written and spoken, but if one will not take action, one will only realise it until it is too late.

Friday, June 29, 2012

I am glad that many visit my blog everyday. This blog serves to educate. Some wrote to me with loads of questions which I have to answer in specifics and in general refer them back to their own agent. My principle is that every policyholder should establish a good relationship with their agent. Service seeks mutual understanding for long term benefit. I get my fair share of complaints too and relationship with clients have to be terminated. Same time, I appreciate clients who trusted me all these 24 years I have been in this profession.