I have always felt that Incomeshield or any Shield Plan is an essential basic need for everyone, including child.
Last year, my brother was involved in a motor accident, he had fractured collar bones and was in pain for a year. Restructured hospital doctor told him they are not able to operate on him.
Last month, he found out a private orthopaedic surgeon in Gleneagles who is able to operate to correct the bones for him,
He underwent the 4 surgical operating procedures as in the attached bill (click on it to see the detail and the total cost is $21,551.48.
As his Incomeshield is the Enhanced Incomeshield Plan Basic, there is a pro-ration factor of 50%.
Thus the bill is computed to be $10,775.74 to be paid.
Deductible for Plan Basic is $2000, thus minus $2000 = $8775.74
There is a Co-insurance ( 10% ) = $877.57.
After minusing Deductible and Co-insurance , Incomeshield Plan Basic paid $7898.17
I have done another small H&S plan then to cover the deductible and co-insurance, in earlier days, the Incomeshield Plus Rider is not available. This plan will reimburse another $2410.
If Incomeshield Plus Rider is inforce, the plan should pay in total $10,775.74.
My intention to highlight this real case study is to share with you, that in event of big medical bill, Incomeshield or any private medical shield will be helpful.
If he has Plan Prefered, the bill will be covered more substantially.
My advice is still have a Shield Plan, and have one is better than nothing.
His civil case is pending court settlement, as I have engaged a lawyer to sue the taxi driver who hit him.