Sunday, September 2, 2007

What type of Annuity is better?

Annuity is a hot topic lately.

1. One should consider to use their CPF Minimum Sum to do the Annuity Plan.

2. If one has spare cash, one should use spare cash to do the Annuity and leave the
CPF Minimum Sum for draw down. This is good for those who are cash rich.

3. I hope the government will exempt those from compulsory annuity, if one has taken
up at least a cash annuity or Annuity using the CPF Minimum Sum.

Ntuc Income Annuity is a participating Annuity Plan and it offers better pay out. You can read this from the report in Straits Times, of the couple, whose husband gave up the Annuity and regretted, but his wife's annuity with Ntuc Income have given her very good payout to date. A comparison of the annuity plans of various companies appeared in the papers some time back as well, as pasted below.

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